have finally realized why tanulok is correct. In my mind I have been
using the -om/-em/-öm as the ending that has anything to do with me and
not only "my" things. The blog started out at Tanulok magyarul, then
tanulom magyarul because I believed it to be true and now magyarul
tonulok. The blog address has to stay the same because someone else has
magyarul-tonoluk and that's ok.
Since my last post I have started to utilize italki.com. I have found that my while I have only had three lessons they have been useful. My instructor, Plánka Zsuzsa, is very paitent and allows me to make mistakes. I have already been able to retain more information. She is following my progression through the Colloquial Hungarian book. My progress had been slow until I started to utilize italki.com.
Another tool I have but haven't stated to use is Glossika. Glossika uses daily repetition to reinforce the previous day's learning. They offer a 30 day trial. I am anticipating using this tool when I get more into a comfort level between Plánka Zsuzsa and Colloquial Hungarian.
I am hoping to update more often since I know this helps me stay focused on learning. So until then...