Monday, December 15, 2014

Here, Gone and Back

It's amazing how fast our trip to Europe came and went. I was planning on posting about my language usage while we were in Budapest but due to a late flight, missed connection and serious jet lag we lost about a full day.

I was anticipating that when we arrived at BUD (the airport) I was going to force myself to ask for two seven day transit passes in Hungarian: Szeretnék két hetijegyet. When I walked up to the counter I was greeted in English and what came out of my mouth? "I would like two seven day transit passes". Yep, English. End of day one...

Dinner on day two was at my favorite étterem: Ruben I was able to ask for two beers and when the bill came, John was just about to ask for the check when I was able to stop him and tell him to let me try: Kérem a számlát. The waiter smiled and fired back: Készpénz vagy hitelkártya? I drew a blank. He smiled and said that he asked if it was Cash or Credit. Off we went to explore the Christmas Markets without any other chance of speaking Hungarian.

On and off on days three and four we were shopping and I was able to ask how old was something, what was the price and general pleasantries.

Part of day three was spent with our Hungarian friends and their three year old. I asked questions, learned some phrases and then asked the 3 year old: Hogy vagy? He proceeded to fire off so much Hungarian my head spun! As the day came to an end I realized I had a long way to go.

Yesterday we had an almost ten hour flight. I used it for review and felt it was a very good use of my time. I am starting to understand all of the different endings and how they relate to vowel harmony.

So much to remember, but it is starting to sink in.


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