Thursday, January 29, 2015

Születésnap = Torta

While speaking Hungarian is a slow and steady process, cooking it is another story. I first started cooking Hungarian food a few years back while in Budapest. My now friends Agnes and Istvan have a cooking class in Budapest. My sister and I decided we would spend the day learning how to cook a meal. We were shown the importance of when and how to properly add the paprika so it doesn't get bitter and how to judge the amount by the redness in the pot. Our partners came later and enjoyed our meal and wine. After a wonderful day I kept in touch with them and our friendship developed. So did my love for cooking Hungarian food.

With my birthday (születésnap) coming up in February (februar) I have been asked to make my own cake (torta). There are so many to choose from and I have made none of them so it will be intresting. The three that are standing out are:

Dobas torta
Esterházy torta
Geszteny torta

There is a Hungarian Food Group on Facebook that has offered up these as torta's for my születésnap.

Now only to decide!


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