Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Day one. Again.

I have been attempting to learn Hungarian since mid-2012.


The first reason is because my partner John and I visited Budapest in 2010 and fell in love with it. Many Hungarians speak English within the city so we never had any issues communicating. Then we started to explore outside the city and realized that if we were far enough out, nobody spoke English and why should they? That is one reason I realized I needed to learn Hungarian. It wasn't up to Hungarians to know English, but for me to know Hungarian.

The second reason is at some point in 2012 I discovered I had ties to Hungary via my grandfather and great-grandmother. This opened the doors to my ability to obtain dual-citizenship. I "practiced" for almost two years and finally was able to apply for citizenship all went well until I wasn't able to communicate at the most basic level, which is all that is needed.

So, here I am November 11, 2014 focusing and studying and practicing knowing that I am weeks away from being immersed in the language again, if only for a few days.

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